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Patr1ots Forum
Welcome! Don't be shy to post!
We will use this space to schedule our future meeting dates/times/locations.
Any info, suggestions or discussion pertaining to our official group meetings.
All information, news, etc regarding relevant health topics.
Any and all resources, events, elections, happenings regarding our kids' schools.
While we may disagree on some of these, let's share the best sources for truth out there.
We don't often have more than a minute or two to share our views. Let's make a database of quick facts to help us out.
Homesteading, gardening, food storage, Bug Out Bags (or Go-bags), disaster relief, home defense, etc.
Get to know the other like-minded patriots in our group. (Do not share private information)
If you have something to share/ask that doesn't belong in one of the categories, please post it here.
The weapons we fight with aren't the weapons the world fights with. Let's bring prayers and praises to God.
Let's make a list of all the Patr1ot owned (or freedom respecting) businesses that we can start supporting.
Notice a new bill pop up? Any concering legislation pass in the dead of night? Share all bills/legislation news here.
We must always be on our guard. Let's be alert of any threats or concerns around us.